Move attached audio clip
There is no easy way to move an audio clip from one object to another in the same folder. Using this tool is easier than detach from one and attach to the other. If the audio clip is a recording then detaching it would delete it, so this tool is the ideal solution.
Before running the tool select the two objects of interest - the donor and recipient objects. Then run the tool, you will get a confirmation popup, click OK if you want to continue.
Two aduio clips
If both objects have audio clips attached you will be asked which one should be moved. The other will be detached.

When the clip has been moved any detached clip will be checked to see if there are other uses within the folder. If no other object uses the audio its file will be deleted.
When the clips has been moved you will get a confirmation dialogue showing what was moved and to where.

If no clip is found on either selected object or too many or too few objects selected the script will be terminated without any actions other than a dialogue stating why.
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