
 Information on the included templates. 

Template defaults

Each template has a save as default and a load defaults button which lets you reuse entries made in one project in any other project. On your first project fill in the template fields, make any settings like checkboxes, file selectors etc. and enter the title and comment - if supported.


The ubiquitous 'About' page. Add a picture, if desired, and write your statement. The selected 'Page Title' will show at the top of the page. If 'Show "About header"' is selected the 'Header' text will appear as a title/heading at the top of the about page content.


Like the 'About' template, the 'Contact' is also a common feature amongst jAlbum skins. The fields are also commonly used by other skins that support templates.


This page will list all subfolders and, if selected, webpages starting from the folder it is placed in. The contents can be sorted by the way they are shown in jAlbum or alphabetically. Web pages are shown as text links, folders can have thumbnails.

This template can be placed in any folder, so a 'topic' could have its own contents list. If placed in the root folder the page is accessed as a link in the 'navigation bar'. If in a subfolder it is accessed from the folders 'index' page.

New or Recent

Add this page to the project's root folder to generate a new or recent page. New items will be shown, if there are any, for the number of days since the album build. If there are no new items or the number of days has passed then the recent items are shown.

You can select which object types to include, should you not want to limit what is shown.

Order By

This provides an alternative to a 'Site page', it ignores folders. The results can be ordered by "Added Date", "Camera Date", "Rating" or "Title". The ordering can also be reversed.

Using a date ordering lets you generate either a 'Most recently added' or a 'Timeline'. For date ordering the results will group objects by year/month. The other choices just flow continuously top to bottom.


The search template will allow visitors to search for specific files/folders. Search can be for title, comment and/or keywords.

A list of keywords used, if any are, will be shown below the search entry box. Users can just click on a keyword to activate the search.

Site Map

The last template is the site map, which must go in the root folder. It lists all (non-hidden) objects in the album.

Album Ofi Albums Search

Add this template to the root folder of the 'Master project' for an album of albums. Open the template and in the ''Paths to projects of sub-albums' enter the full path to the root folder of each sub-album.

The master project must be built last, and rebuilt after any change to any of the sub-albums. Then publish all updated albums. The search will work locally, as long as all the albums have been published, displaying the correct thumbnails etc. but the results will be targeted to the published albums.